
dplyrを使って,plyrのcolwiseのような処理をしたい.このようなときはHadley Wickham氏がgithubで公開しているdplyrパッケージのsummarise_each関数を使用すればよい.

> library(devtools)
> install_github("hadley/dplyr", ref = "colwise")
> library(dplyr)
> iris %.%
+   group_by(Species) %.%
+   summarise_each(funs(mean))
Source: local data frame [3 x 5]

     Species Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
1     setosa        5.006       3.428        1.462       0.246
2 versicolor        5.936       2.770        4.260       1.326
3  virginica        6.588       2.974        5.552       2.026


> iris %.%
+   group_by(Species) %.%
+   summarise_each(funs(min, max))
Source: local data frame [3 x 9]

     Species Sepal.Length_min Sepal.Width_min Petal.Length_min Petal.Width_min
1     setosa              4.3             2.3              1.0             0.1
2 versicolor              4.9             2.0              3.0             1.0
3  virginica              4.9             2.2              4.5             1.4
Variables not shown: Sepal.Length_max (dbl), Sepal.Width_max (dbl),
  Petal.Length_max (dbl), Petal.Width_max (dbl)


How can I use dplyr to apply a function to all non-group_by columns?